The UnSunday Show

Morning coffee:pastors and elders

Interesting, led me on a study of pastor from Eph 4:11. Acts 20:28 and 1Peter 5:1-2 show that elders should function as pastors. Pastor means shepherd. These passages direct elders to shepherd the flock which you have also been made overseers. Overseer is also translated as bishop. Paul directed that elders to be established in all the churches. They were needed as Jesus said in John 21:15-17. They also needed to be able to teach 1Tim 3:2. We know this has all been abused through the years but it doesn’t negate that they are still needed in the body. Never just one, but more than one. So really, the word pastor or shepherd is spoken of many times in the New Testament, just not using that exact word, but elder or overseer. Would love a response from you. Tried to comment but wouldn’t let me.

June 22, 2023 by Patti stebbins on This Website

The UnSunday Show